UNited to Leave No One Behind Newsletter Issue 6 March 2022
March 25 marks the 100th day since Typhoon Rai (local name: Odette) swept through 11 of the country’s 17 regions, bringing with it torrential rains, violent winds, floods and storm surges that affected almost 12 million people. More than two million houses were damaged or destroyed, with over 424,000 destroyed and over 1,694,000 partially damaged.
One hundred days on, approximately 32,203 people are still displaced with some living in evacuation centers and others with relatives. Many people are still in need of food, clean water and access to medicines and sanitation facilities. Classes have not resumed for a number of children, especially where learning materials and schools were damaged. Hundreds of thousands of people who have lost their livelihoods need help to get back on their feet.