Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)

PSEA Network logo with lady making stop and no excuse hand sign
Caption: PSEA Philippine Network logo
Photo: © PSEA Ph



Protecting and safeguarding the rights of the communities we serve, especially the members who are most vulnerable, such as women, children, youth, and people with disabilities, is a core tenet of development, humanitarian, and peacebuilding work. This includes protecting these vulnerable groups from all forms of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), especially at the hands of development and aid workers. Such abuses are a violation of human rights and an abuse of the power and influence granted by their perceived status within the communities they work in.  

The United Nations Country Team (UNCT) and the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) are committed to strengthening the country's efforts on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA). Under the leadership of the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, the Philippines Inter-Agency PSEA Network was established to systematize and synchronize the development sector’s efforts to address SEA. The Network is co-chaired by United Nations agencies and a civil society organization (CSO). For 2024-2025, the Co-Chairs are the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the World Food Programme (WFP) and Plan International Pilipinas.  

The PSEA Network is focused on building and increasing the internal capacities of its members to meet and implement the minimum PSEA operating standards, and on building partnerships with other stakeholders, such as the government, local CSOs, private sector, and donors for the integration and institutionalization of PSEA in programming and operations.  

A PSEA Communications Strategy is under development to coordinate and effectively communicate PSEA principles and key information to the communities served by the PSEA Network’s members. The strategy is a key first step in boosting awareness and understanding of SEA reporting channels.  

At present, the PSEA Network meets every month at the national level, while a dedicated sub-group composed of Mindanao-based agencies meets every other month. The UN/Inter-Agency PSEA Coordinator acts as the Convenor and Secretariat. All members of the UNCT and HCT are de facto members of the Network, which at present has a membership of 29 UN agencies and 32 CSOs.  



Your vigilance and responsibility are key in maintaining a safe and respectful environment for everyone. If you witness or suspect any incidents of sexual exploitation or abuse, please report it immediately—your action can make a difference.

The information received will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Confidential information will only be shared when informed consent is given, and only when necessary for the purposes of investigation and providing professional support to the complainant/victim.

Philippines Inter Agency PSEA Network


PSEA definition of terms for sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, sexual harassment
Caption: PSEA definition of terms
Photo: © PSEA Ph



1. Videos released by UN Resident/Humanitarian Coordinator 

2. PSEA Network’s Technical Documents 

3. PSEA Network’s Knowledge Products

4. PSEA Network’s Learning Exchange Sessions


5. PSEA Network Meetings

a group photo of PSEA Philippine Network members inside a meeting room

Caption: Group photos of PSEA Mindanao and National Network members
Photo: © PSEA Ph

6.  PSEA Network Communication Materials

7. PSEA Network General Documents

8. PSEA Capacity Assessment Tools for IPs

9. UN Philippines Documents with PSEA            

10.  Global References for PSEA     

11.   Other Related Links