UN Philippines briefs 29 diplomatic delegations on the new UN Cooperation Framework with the Philippines
The UN Philippines undertakes the fourth broad consultation on the way to finalizing the new UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework
MANILA, 18 May 2023--Representatives of 29 United Nations (UN) Member Countries, including nine ambassadors, participated in a dialogue with the UN Philippines on the new UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2024-2028.
The UNSDCF will serve as the compact between the Philippines and the UN, guiding the relationship between the UN and the Philippines for the next five years.
UN Philippines Resident Coordinator Gustavo Gonzalez explained 10 features of the UNSDCF, which make the latter unique from former UN Cooperation Frameworks.
The UNSDCF is among the new generation of Cooperation Frameworks under the UN Development System Reform. The new CF will make the UN more coordinated, integrated and effective.
Second, the new CF is aligned with the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) and the Bangsamoro Development Plan (PDP) and is therefore strongly based on the priorities of the country.
Third, the new CF is founded on a human rights based approach to development, and thus focuses not just on economic growth but on the right to food, the right to clean air, among others. The new CF also envisions to address inequalities and ensure the inclusion of groups that are left behind, including indigenous peoples, members of the LGBTQI+ community, and others.
Fourth, the new CF adopts a new business model, which will shift the focus of the UN's work from service delivery towards policy development and normative work.
Fifth, the UN will transition from funding to financing. In the context of increasingly reduced Official Development Assistance (ODA), the UN will promote the mobilization of domestic resources, vertical funds, and more strategic use of core resources.
Sixth, the UN will help to expand and systematize South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) in close coordination with the Government.
Seventh, Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) accelerator will be a priority of the new CF.
Eighth, the UN will aspire to be a coalition-building partner, and engaging with the private sector and the multilateral development banks (MDBs) is part of the future that the UN Philippines envisions.
Ninth, the UN will enhance its normative support by ensuring that the country remains on track with various international conventions, such as on human rights, sustainable consumption and production, and biodiversity protection, among others.
Tenth, under the new CF the UN will contribute towards filling critical gaps as the Philippines undertakes to become an Upper Middle Income Country (UMIC).
Below are comments provided by a number of the participating diplomatic delegations:
H.E. Ambassador Marcela Ordonez of Colombia
The UN reform was undertaken for a much-needed purpose: to achieve the SDGs. Inter-agency work is not an option; it is a mandate under the UN reform.
H.E. Ambassador Juha Pyykko of Finland
I am happy that you are focusing on human rights based approach in the new Cooperation Framework. Human rights are conducive to a good business environment and thus make good economic sense, too.
Ms. Jennifer Bennett, Second Secretary (Political) of the Embassy of Australia
We appreciate the work of the UN. The new Cooperation Framework aligns with what Australia is supporting in the country.
H.E. Ambassador Ricardo Luis Bocalandro of Argentina
The new Cooperation Framework features a lot of innovative concepts and approaches. The UN has chosen to take the right road—listening to the government and to the international community. This consultation sets a promising partnership.
H.E. Ambassador Aagus Widjojo of Indonesia
I appreciate the UN Philippines for completing a comprehensive Cooperation Framework. We wish you success in its implementation.
M.E. Ambassador Marielle Geraedts of Netherlands
The business model for the new Cooperation Framework prioritizes the UN’s normative work. Lessons from the UNJP on Human rights will be useful.
Mr. Lloyd Cameron, Economic and Climate Counsellor of the Embassy of the UK
The aspirations of the new Cooperation Framework are long-term; thus, the UN might consider what it can accomplish by 2028.
H.E. Ambassador Antonio Jose Maria de Souza e Silva of Brazil
There is a window of opportunity for South-South and triangular cooperation and Brazil would like to explore this with UN agencies.
Ms Mojca Krisper Figueroa, Programme Manager of the EU
This Cooperation Framework is comprehensive and is aligned with our programme. We look forward to the implementation of the triple nexus approach.
Mr. John Luk, Counselor (Development) of the Embassy of Canada
We await the targets for the outcomes as this is where the rubber hits the road.
Mr. Zhu Min, Officer-in-Charge of Commercial Section, Embassy of China
Economic development is key to achieving the four priority areas of the Cooperation Framework. China wants to expand its South-South cooperation partnerships with UN agencies.
Ms. Violeta Dominguez, Head of Cooperation of the Embassy of Spain
Spain is exploring triangular cooperation (Spain-Latin-America-Philippines) in some of the areas identified by the UN cooperation framework.
Mr. Kwon Soonhyun, Counsellor and Chief of Economic Department, Embassy of Korea
"Korea is a strong supporter of South-South Cooperation and will seek synergies with other partners within the new UN Cooperation Framework."
Ms. Teresina Calabia, USAID
"The new UN Cooperation Framework shares similar areas of interest with USAID."