Caption: A health worker attends an Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) webinar. The training, aimed at COVID-19 interventions in home and community settings, was developed in collaboration with the Department of Health, the World Health Organization and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Caption: Abdul Rauf Lumabao, 20, answers survey questions from the U-Report platform on how adolescents and young people are feeling about COVID-19. Three polls on COVID-19 have been conducted and three more are planned until June. Out of 1,000 who responded to the surveys so far, most shared they were feeling worried and sad.
Caption: UNICEF, with the Mindanao Humanitarian Team, translated COVID-19 related core messages to five BARMM local languages with illustrations. These will be inserted in food packs for wider distribution to different areas of BARMM.
Caption: Ais Abas-Sambolawan, a senior writer and editor at the Bangsamoro Government’s Bureau of Public Information writes stories on how the Bangsamoro government is responding to the COVID-19 crisis. UNICEF, apart from providing technical assistance, gave computers, wi-fi stations and transportation support to help with information dissemination.
Caption: The Mufti of the Bangsamoro and Executive Director of the Regional Darul Ifta - BARMM, Mufti Abu Huraira A. Udasan, delivers his weekly virtual Muhadarah (lessons) related to COVID-19. UNICEF helped outline messages and reviewed the successive draft versions and helped convene the Religious Committee for the drafting of the sermons.