Press Release
WHO COVID-19 Philippines Situation Report #38 (4 June 2020)
04 June 2020
- The situation report for the Philippines and COVID-19 dated 4 June 2020 from the World Health Organization

- Out of the total 20,382 confirmed cases reported in the Philippines until today, 55% are male, with the most affected age group 30-39 years (22.2%) fol-lowed by 20-29 years (19.1%)
- 57.9% of cases reported from National Capital Region (NCR), followed by Central Visayas (14.3%), CALA-BARZON (8.9%), and Central Luzon (3.3%)
- Out of the 984 confirmed deaths, 64% are male, with the most affected age group over 70 years (36.6%) followed by 60-69 years (30.5%)
- 74.9% of deaths reported from NCR, followed by CAL-ABARZON (11.0%), Central Luzon (3.3%), and Central Visayas (2.9%)
- Department of Health (DOH) emphasizing that the increase in cases is due to clearing of delayed re-ports combined with real-time reporting of cases through recently implemented COVID KAYA mobile application
- According to DOH among all active, confirmed cases, 93.7% are mild
- DOH strongly emphasizing the importance of adher-ence to minimum precautionary measures, with NCR currently in General Community Quarantine
- Currently 40 laboratories using RT-PCR accredited for COVID-19 testing, with latest additions: Philippine Red Cross-Port Area in NCR, and Teresita Jalandoni Provincial Hospital Region in Region VI, as well as 12 laboratories using GeneXpert with latest addition: Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital in Region I
- 100% of health facilities are regularly reporting to DOH’s DataCollectApp showing less than 36.1% oc-cupancy rate of ward beds, ICU beds and isolation beds for COVID-19 patients
UN entities involved in this initiative
World Health Organization