January - February 2022 Issue of UNited to Leave No One Behind
Typhoon Rai (local name: Odette) severely affected 9.9 million people across the six worst hit regions, leaving 2.4 million people in need of assistance. This issue of UNited to Leave No One Behind features stories of loss, survival and hope of people who have lived through the devastation of Typhoon Odette.
Thirteen-year-old Didang shares a shanty with 22 people and struggles to find some privacy without a toilet. Monilyn is grateful for the warmth and safety of an evacuation center in Bantilis, in the Dinagat Islands, but she is worried because her children are losing weight because of malnutrition. Mothers Gina and Condrada are hard put to feed their children and are anxious to start farming again. Fisherfolk Petronilo, Treciano, Evangeline and Vicenter are equally concerned about how they will provide for their families when their boats have been destroyed. Jonalyn, a woman with disability, has foregone her disability allowance so that her mother and father can rebuild their home.
On 2 February the HCT launched a revised Humanitarian Needs and Priorities Plan (HNP)*. This revised plan calls for $169 million to target the needs of 840,000 of the most vulnerable people, up from 530,000 targeted in the original plan. The plan runs from December 2021 to June 2022.